We are a Crop Consultant company from Southern Brazil, state of Parana. Lucas Hubert founded this company in April of 2003. Since 2019 his daughter Nicoly has worked beside him.
Lucas Hubert has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from UFSM (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Federal University of Santa Maria) and has a specialization in soybean production from ESALQ-USP (Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz – University of Sao Paulo) and he is a current member of GAIAC (Global Alliance of Independent Agricultural Consultants).
Nowadays we have over 20 clients on 8,000 hectares (19,700 acres). In the summer they grow corn, soybean, and dry beans and in the winter, they grow wheat, oat, barley, and ryegrass. In this region of Brazil, the climate allows the farmers to use their field intensively and they get up to 3 crops per year in some areas.
What do we offer?
We have a project where the idea is to offer exchanges for crop advisors, internship for students and also help groups or personal agricultural trips in Brazil. The main objective is to learn with these professional colleagues how agriculture works in other countries and learn from them as they learn with us.
If you want to know more about this project, please leave a message below and let’s work on this together.